Why two bins?
1. The Joys of Compost

2. Materials needed

3. Building the bins

4. Starting our compost

5. Feeding our bin

6. Why two bins

7. Storing the compost

8. Using the compost


Kohn's Corner


The first bin will fill up and become gorgeous compost, brown and crumbly, by summer’s end. 

What do we do with our kitchen scraps in fall and winter? 

Maybe even more important, what do we do with the many garden plants at the end of the summer season?

And that's why we have a second bin. An empty second bin.

We pile those dead plants from the summer garden into the bin. Not the thick stems and roots (too hard to decompose), and we remember to chop the rest into smaller pieces with the sharpened shovel. We finish by covering the greens with dirt.

Then comes the hard part: Wait. Until. Spring.

That's all we have to do.

Experts advise turning the compost over every few weeks. In fact, they recommend 3 bins, constantly rotating compost from one bin to another. 

If you try to do this rotating, you will abandon composting. You will find it's way too hard, both in time and on your lower back.

Instead, do no more than keep the top of the bin covered with earth, keep it moist, and keep feeding it until it's full.

The only maintenance needed is to occasionally pull sprouts that grow like crazy in the terrific dirt of our compost when it's been too long since our last visit. (Photo at right.)

next: Storing the compost