Our home in Georgia

Some 20 years ago a hamlet was cut out of the Georgia woods about 20 miles south of the nearest big city.

It had three streets running east-west and three running north-south and, oddly enough, all had Southwestern names like Del Rio, Eagle Pass and Longhorn. No lot was smaller than two acres, with most lots multiples of that. Ours, for example, is six-and-a-half.

The previous owners moved into the city when they got too old to maintain the place. We don't know how long we'll be able to stay here either. It's as quiet, secure and spiritually refreshing as anywhere we've known, but our children and grandchildren live in Texas and Virginia, and we just don't see them often enough. 

Still, after years of living without nearby neighbors, we doubt we could ever again live in a typical subdivision. An apartment building? Inconceivable.

C'mon inside for a "visit."


next: view from front gate


1. View from front gate          2. Woods along the street          3. Backyard

4. Cabin        5. Ending the visit

Kohn's Corner