If I have not made clear already, let me say explicitly that my observations are superficial. My job did not let me get out and about much.
I wrote this trip report to help me recapture memories years from
now, and for friends and family who might be interested in my impressions,
limited though they are, of
-- Steve Kohn, 29 April 2005
Good links on
13 August 2007, "On the Road to Jalalabad," by Ann Marlowe, Wall Street Journal
26 March 2009, "The Winnable War," by David Brooks, NY Times
11 February 2013, Making Music Against the Odds, by BL Scherer, Wall Street Journal
If you found this report of interest, please send me your thoughts: usarmycwo at yahoo dot com.
Corner has more of my websites you may find interesting (or helpful when unable to fall asleep).