As noted earlier, insurgent activities in Afghanistan
are not often reported in the news, but the secure network on our desks have
daily – yes, daily – reports of explosives or weapon caches found, rockets fired,
police chiefs caught taking bribes or assassinated.
The United Nations and the many military forces in-country, together with the Afghan government, is running a successful program called DDR – Demobilization, Disarmament, and Reintegration. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/afghanistan/ddr.htm
But spend a little time here and you want the Afghan
people to succeed. They are intelligent and industrious, affable with their
friends, implacable to their enemies.
In the past three years since the Taliban were
defeated, billions of dollars have poured into the country to rebuild its
infrastructure and create what citizens of a modern country take for granted. A
police force. A judicial system. Elected government officials whose allegiance
is not first to their family or village. Banks. An army. Roads without potholes.
Running water, sewage, electricity.
It seems overwhelming, but as has been said about the journey of a thousand miles, it has to begin somewhere, sometime.